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Good morning Everyone! National Rubber Ducky Day is coming up on January 13. Rubber Ducks always bring happiness and joy. Children love them! They will continue to be a bath time staple but can be applied very easily in the classroom as well.

Here are 5 rubber ducky day ideas for Pre-K Students:

1. Ducky Letter Match – Grab some rubber ducks. Write a letter on the bottom of each duck. If you have a water table, place the ducks in the water. I’ve made a letter mat, grab it here. If possible, try to laminate it so it doesn’t get wrinkly from getting wet. Students will grab a duck from the water, identify the letter, and match it to the corresponding letter on the mat.

2. 5 Little Ducks Song – Students will enjoy singing along to this familiar tune. They will also practice counting. When a number is said, students can practice holding up that many fingers.

3. 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle – I love Eric Carle books, and this one does not disappoint! Students will follow these rubber ducks from production to shipping, and everything in between. They will also listen and identify various animals along the way. Students can practice saying the number ten and holding up 10 fingers.

4. Duck, Duck Goose – Students can play duck, duck, goose at recess. This will allow them to practice their gross motor skills, by racing against their friends, while getting some fresh air. Students always love this game, especially picking the goose 🙂  . 

5. Duck Day Circle Time – During circle time play some music. When the music stops, the student holding the duck gets to talk. They can share what sounds a duck makes, what color ducks are, describe what ducks look like, identify the letter / sound duck starts with. Have fun with this, students always seem to get fired up about ducks!

I hope you all have a spectacular rubber ducky day! Don’t forget to quack a couple jokes along the way 🙂 . 


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