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Yipee it’s National Ice Cream Day! Not that we needed an excuse to eat ice cream today 🙂 . What’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Mine is mint chocolate chip loaded with rainbow sprinkles, preferably in a cone. 

Here are 6 ways to celebrate with your Pre-Kinders:

1. Ice Cream Rhymes –  Students will identify the picture on their ice cream poppers. Then they’ll name a rhyming word before getting to launch their foam ball. Please make sure partners keep a safe distance before launching their ice cream.


2. Sweet Letter Match – Children will match the big letter on the ice cream cone to the small letter on the ice cream. Students can also practice counting and identifying numbers on the cards included. This game is great for hand-eye coordination!



3. Ice Cream Shop Dramatic Play – Students will make different ice cream creations using their scooper! For example, one partner may order ice cream, while the other scoops and serves. Students will be counting the number of scoops, identifying colors, and practicing their fine motor skills. I love this Smart Scoops game because they include activity cards with different ice cream combinations students can stack and create! 


4. Sprinkle Sensory Table – Teachers/Parents will hide letters in rainbow sprinkles. Students will find the letters and build sight words.


5. Just One More Read Aloud – Students will love this adorable story about Ruby and her need for just one more! After reading, students can enjoy some ice cream. Please be aware of any student allergies.


6. Ice Cream Drawing – Children can draw their favorite ice cream and tell the class about it. This will help students practice speaking in complete sentences. 


Hope everyone has a superb Sunday and enjoys their ice cream. 🙂 

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